As a response to increasingly complex processes and steadily growing demands with regard to productivity and flexibility of both machineries and plants, Praber Group offers safe and reliable solutions.

With Praber operator panels the whole process is fully under control in order to ensure the optimal operation of machineries. The interface between man and machinery is simple and intuitive, as well as clear in all its functions. Resistant panels, compact and versatile, perfectly integrated and designed from the outset as a function of the installed machinery.

Multilingual and multi-purpose and fully customizable as well as reprogrammable even during the system’s life, those are among the most appreciated and requested features.

Atlas Electtrica company division, specialized in software and mechanical hardware, is able to offer solutions from the most basic “Plug & Control” to the most modern of the latest generation “Touch Screen”, as well as advising and implementing a broader software and hardware design in order to standardize the performance data collected related to shifts and / or job orders, also located in different production units.

The decisive advantage of a Praber panel is very simple: Atlas Elettrica has always designed and manufactured panels for forging and screw presses by several Italian brands as well as providing the utmost commitment to repairs, replacements and upgrades, acquiring over the years the full process know-how and knowledge typical of any machining operation throughout the hot forging segments.

  • Hardware & Software
  • Worldwide teleservice
  • Testing laboratory & simulations
  • Upgrade